
Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal


2016 - Current

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Scope of Work

PMG have been performing annual underwater inspection and underwater maintenance campaigns for DBCT since 2016. The coal terminal has very structured underwater inspection requirements that PMG develop annual inspection campaigns around.

The work is usually performed by a 5 man dive team working from a 12m steel workboat (Lisa Lee) fitted with a hiab crane. We typically dive using Nitrox breathing gas (to maximise bottom time) which is generated on site using a portable Nitrox generating plant. Onshore we also have a Decompression Chamber, which is function tested daily, and is available for emergency use.

  • Nitrox Dive Spread
  • Nitrox Compressor
  • Deck Decompression Chamber (DDC)
  • Dive Support Vessel Lisa Lee
  • UT Meter
  • High Pressure Water Blaster
  • Stills Camera
  • Video Survey
  • Eddy Current Subsea Equipment
Inspection Diving
  • Extensive pile inspections – cleaning then Close Visual Inspections (CVI) and General Visual Inspections (GVI).
  • Extensive Non Destructive Testing (NDT) of piles using Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) and Eddy Current methods for inspection through jacketed piles.
  • Cathodic Protection measurements and general CP maintenance including cleaning of anodes and GVI of brackets, connections etc.
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