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Scope of Work

PMG has been working for SunWater on their Eungella Dam pontoon and mooring system - completing various maintenance diving tasks since 2001.

The diving is quite challenging as the dives are 35m+ in depth, and the dive site is on top of a mountain range (Eungella Range), so the dive tables must incorporate an altitude correction. The site requires extensive use of in-water decompression with a decompression chamber set up on site ready for use. All equipment / dive vessels must be transported to the top of the mountain range, and set up adjacent to the dive site. Works completed have included:

  • Mooring system inspection and maintenance.
  • Underwater valve maintenance and exercising.
  • Pump changeouts utilising pontoons / a-frames.
  • Pontoon underwater maintenance tasks.
  • Inspection / underwater NDT / photography /video inspection.
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