


2012 – 2014

Contract Value


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Scope of Work

PMG have been the principal dive contractor on site for Bechtel during the Hay Point Extension 3 (HPX3) project. Dive operations centre around 3 core operations:

  • Anode (temporary and permanent) installation

  • Test Pile cutting using thermic lance

  • Pile Corrosion Inspections

Other site works have included:

  • Barge and vessel inspections and minor repairs

  • Cyclone mooring deployment and inspection

  • Debris Removal

Construction Diving:

  • Installation of 200 temporary anode
  • Installation of 110 permanent anodes
  • Dredging of seabed to expose mattress ahead of piling operations
  • Cutting of test piles using Broco ultrathermic lance
  • Recovery of construction debris
  • Pile repair using hyperbaric weld technique
  • Miscellaneous underwater weld repairs e.g to third party barge
  • Cyclone mooring Installation
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