
Conceptum Logistics


Aug - Oct 2017

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Scope of Work

  • Sandvik required 2 x new complete Stacker Reclaimers to be transported by barge between Port of Mackay, and Port of Hay Point. The cargo was to be rolled off at a dedicated temporary landing facility at Hay Point.
  • PMG’s workscope was to provide all barge and marine logistics, Naval Architect work for roll off modelling and seafastening design, all seafastening provision and installation, all Tow Survey work, and co-ordination with heavy haulage contractor (Mammoet).
  • Each stacker reclaimer was modularised to 9 bargeloads, making the total job 18 bargeloads.
  • Cargo was loaded onto PMG’s barge by heavy lift ship’s crane in Port of Mackay, and placed onto prefabricated and placed stands.
  • PMG then installed all required seafastening, had the Tow Survey completed by a full time project Tow Surveyor, and towed the barge to Half Tide Tug Harbour, where the barge was then docked at a temporary landing facility, heavy ramps lifted into place, seafastenings removed, and cargo rolled off the barge on the suitable tide height.
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