
Ergon Energy


1990 - 2020

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Scope of Work

Pacific Marine Group has carried out numerous diving inspection, maintenance & repair (IMR) works for Ergon Energy since the company’s inception.

PMG were involved in the initial installation of the Magnetic Island power cables during the early 1990’s, particularly with the placement of the cables over the reef flat at Nelly Bay, and burial of the cables at other locations over the alignment.

The various inspection and later repair projects have involved all areas of PMG’s organisation and showcased our innovative skills.

Some of the other power cable projects carried out for Ergon Energy include:

  • 2001 Magnetic Island power cable fault inspection and repair.
  • 2002 Magnetic Island power cable fault inspection and repair.
  • 2004 Dunk Island power cable installation.
  • 2017 (April) Magnetic Island power cable fault inspection and repair.
  • 2017 (August) Magnetic Island power cable fault inspection and repair.
  • 2018/2019 Magnetic Island power cable fault inspection and repair.
  • 2019 Magnetic Island power cable route mapping.
  • 2020 Hayman Island power cable inspection.
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