
Oil Search LTD (1992 – 2003 Chevron Niugini Limited)


1995 - 2015

Contract Value

Approx. $1.2M annually

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Scope of Work

Annual Pipeline Integrity Monitoring Program + Underwater Maintenance Tasks.

Pacific Marine Group has provided services to Oil Search Ltd since the installation of the Kumul Terminal facility in 1992. The contracted work included the provision of personnel and equipment to carry out all inspection and underwater maintenance work associated with this facility in Papua New Guinea. This contract included a 24-hour on-call service for emergency activity as well as regular inspection and maintenance activity.

Pacific Marine Group carried out a yearly inspection of all submarine equipment including full inspection programmes and all required remedial works. The poor visibility, strong tides and floating debris make this a challenging area in which to carry out the underwater activity. Diving Depths at the site range from 10 – 50m, and surface decompression through the use of a containerised decompression chamber, is generally utilised. On average 12+ dives around 50m are carried out each campaign, with over 250 individual dives around 50m completed to date. These all involve surface decompression in the deck decompression chamber (SurD02). Over 750 dives have been logged on this site to date.

Typical dive crew includes 6 dive crew diving from 30m Rig Tender style oilfield vessels. Tasks completed for the Oilfield have involved:

  • Construction / Maintenance Tasks
  • Floating and subsea hose change outs
  • 150mm mooring chain leg repairs – underwater works
  • 115mm wire rope mooring leg change out underwater works
  • Underwater welding
  • Underwater grit blasting
  • Grout mattress campaigns to repair pipeline free-span
  • Hydrographic Survey works
  • Change-out of Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring wires
  • Installation of Fibre Optic Cable from trench into riser
  • Grout bag placement for pipeline & PLEM stabilisation
  • Installation of new Seadeck ladder
  • Installation of Doppler Current meter and associated Uraduct protection
  • Welding of SPM buoy Anodes
  • Recovery of debris
  • Weld repair to SPM sponsons and doubler plates

Inspection tasks on Platform / Single Point Mooring (SPM) / Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) / River Infrastructure:

  • GVI / CVI on structure, caissons, clamps, anodes, risers
  • CCTV & digital still photography
  • CP and UT measurements
  • Seabed scour and debris survey
  • Export and Loading pipeline and spoolpiece inspections
  • MPI Inspection of welds from patch plate repairs
  • Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM)
  • NDT by Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM)
  • Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) and Cathodic Protection (CP) measurements
  • Scour assessment
  • Chain link wear measurements
  • ROV inspection works
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