
Whitsunday Regional Council


Feb 2016 - Mar 2017

Contract Value


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Scope of Work

Project Brief:

The aim of this project was to completely demolish all structures of the South Molle Jetty at Shute Harbour which had been assessed as being out of service and unsafe for public use. The client had key performance criteria around completion of the works without causing public complaints.

Description of Works by PMG:
  • Removal of all above deck structures and fender piles
  • Core drilling and diamond wire cutting of concrete deck in planned demolition sequence, processing concrete sections removed into small transportable sizes.
  • Removal of 62 steel piles using PMG’s sleeving system.
  • Traffic Management Plan for unloading activities at Shute Harbour Facilities.
  • Dive clearance Survey.
Description Resource
Work boats (Punts) punt and polycraft
Cranes 150t, 70t
Barges & Vessels PMG181, PMG120, Salfish

Challenges Faced:

Some of the challenges faced included programming of works activities to concentrate high level noise activities to middle part of the day (particularly on weekends). Traffic Management with a regular bus service to the terminal maintaining operation during works. The significantly deteriorated condition of piles made them difficult to extract without the use of our pile sleeving system.

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