
Townsville Ross River Channel Dredging and Sweep Bar Works


Aug - Nov 2019, April/May 2021

Contract Value

2019 $567,000, 2021 $500,000

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Scope of Work

Description of Works: PMG completed 2 dredging and sweep bar campaigns in Ross River Townsville in 2019 and 2021. The 2019 campaign involved 16300m3 of material removed and the 2021 campaign involved 9400m3 of material removed. Both campaigns involved removal of seabed material and disposal of spoil on land.

PMG completed the works using our spudded 36m x 12m barge PMG121 as a digging platform. This barge was fitted with a long reach 45t excavator. The excavator was fitted with a Sitech 3D grade control system to facilitate accurate underwater excavation. Spoil was placed on either our PMG150 (45m x 15m) or PMG123 (36m x 12m) which were both fitted with sidewalls and door. These barges were pushed by our tug PMG Sailfish, back to PMG’s barge ramp at our marine facility, where they were unloaded using an  excavator and road registered moxi’s or dumptrucks. The spoil was relocated in the Moxi’s to a nearby spoil disposal site on Port land. The works involved traffic control, dust suppression and hardstand  rehabilitation after the works.

After the dredging works were complete, the channel was levelled and trimmed out using the sweep bar system fitted to PMG Tarka.

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